Song Worship Leading
Instructors: Dane Shepard, John Kilgore, Allen Malone, Hugh Bozeman, Matt Dow & Nathan Shepard | Men Only | Morning, Afternoon, & Evening Sessions
Four Levels of instruction are offered to men. Each student will be grouped with other of similar ability and experience, from the beginner to the advanced students. Each level will emphasize the following principles and complete those exercises most suitable to that level of ability.
- Rhythm & Pitch – Students will learn the fundamentals of music, including note values, time signatures, beating of time, the musical staff, keys, scales, shape notes and the use of a pitch pipe.
- Sight Singing – Students will learn the principles of singing unfamiliar songs by sight using exercises and drills.
- Voice Training – Instructors will teach students basic tips to improve both the quality and power of their voice.
- New songs – Many new songs will be learned. Each student should be able to teach some new songs to his congregation.
- Song Worship Preparation – Each student will learn how to prepare an effective song worship service. Emphasis will be placed upon the meaning of worship, types of songs, the interpretation of songs, and the use of various rhythms and keys.
- Live Song Worship Leading Practice – Students will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned during the day in an evening assembly. They will be grouped according to their level and each student will lead a song.