The R.J. Stevens Singing School History
Established in 1984, The R.J. Stevens Singing School is entering it’s 36th year. We will update this page with the history and other information as we collect it.

R.J. Stevens
R.J. was born and raised in Texas. His father, M. Roy Stevens, was a preacher and a singing school teacher and gave him a good foundation in music and singing. From 1945 to 1951, R.J. studied music at Abilene Christian College, the University of Houston, and Oklahoma A & M College. He served as a local evangelist for thirty-six years with churches of Christ in Texas, Oklahoma, and California. In 1983, he moved to Kemp, Texas to do full-time gospel meeting and singing school work. He taught singing schools for over fifty years.
In 1987, he helped compile and edit the “Hymns for Worship” hymnal. He published the “Sight Singing and Song Directing” workbook which is used in singing school workshops. R. J. wrote and arranged hundreds of songs and hymns and this continues as one of his greatest legacies. He was a member of the Favorite Hymns Quartet for thirty years. He is also the founder of the Oklahoma Singing School. Since its beginning in 1984, R.J. guided and instructed hundreds of men, young and old, to become effective song worship leaders. His legacy continues to be active in song worship materials.